Friday, July 9, 2010

Le sigh.

Hi from CD 8.

You know, I'm probably going to run out of OPK's... and CBEFM test strips before I ovulate sometime around CD 30. (Which, that alone is majorly depressing to think that I have to wait another 22 days just to flippin' ovulate.) But I am so depressed about the whole situation... I don't even feel up to spending even more money on them. I feel like I'm wasting time... effort... and money. I realize this feeling will probably pass.

I probably no more had hit "publish post" on that last blog entry when Aunt Flo decided to show up.

And now I've started giving pregnant women "the glare."

(This glare is also given to women who come into work to buy pregnancy tests because I'm sure they are probably get BFP's.)

I've added yet another TTC method to my regimen... Mucinex 1200mg. I take one tablet at night along with my B6 and prenatal vitamins.

(Seeing as how I work in a pharmacy... it was really hard for me to not type "I take one tablet by mouth at bedtime." I'm a dork.)

Anyways. Whatever. I'm just jaded right now. This, too, shall pass.

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